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Our current view of the Obama administration :
They bankrupted the country -
Embarrassed us internationally -
Broke all campaign promises -
And now wants to take away our  2nd amendment rights , wile he lets the boarders run rampant & praises the Muslim Brother hood . 

West burrow baptist church small minded hypocrites seeking strength in numbers. It is poison and the betrayal of humanity.Judaism, Christianity & Islam are the ideologies if imperialism, torture & war. The Bible & Koran are the handbooks of evil. Religion is the demonic manifestation of the deep evil represented by these Dark Ages cults. We will have peace in the world when these fascist creeds of oppression are extinct.

Once & for all - MAJIC - spelled with a J which refurs to spirt, is not a Religion it's A belief. A belief that one can call the power's that be with in the Metaphysical to cause a manifestation in the physical. To cause change as if to appear out of nowhere, henceforth MAJIC ! ) MAJIC is not for everyone. MAJIC is for those Who relize theres power with in their words, Thoughts become things. - RELIGION is for the Jews Christians, moslems. small minded hypocrites seeking strength in numbers. BUT   ))) MAJIC ((( 


{WICCA} - A name Gerald Gardner gave in a book of fiction.. It became excepted as a description for those that practice Witchcraft, black magic, ect. To this day no one is clear on how he arrived on the name . In his diary that was found a description was written that we believe was accurate _
THE WHITE INCANTATIONS OF THE CELTIC CREED ACCORDING TO THE APOSTATE. ( WICCA ) Information was released by Interpol Intelligence Agency . Gerald Gardner died alone & brooke & never knew the craz he set off with his fictionale novel. It wasint till just 6 yr's back due to the out cry of all those suffering from gardner fever that now disribed themselves as ( wiccan's ) That the U.S. Congress agreed to except it as a recognized religious form. And To the supprise of many there was no argument over it's speedy Approval . Just in time for the ultimate seperation of church & state, that this administration is about to set in place by banning all religious articles & symbols from all our county, state. & governmental buildings and even our currency !!! as well as all forms of prayer from class rooms, state & government events & meetings . And now that wicca is an excepted religion THEIR INCLUDED !! .
Did you also know that 26 states still have laws on the books in regard to "Witch Craft & Acts of Heresy" that was written in the 18th century & can still be applied.                                 
        )) WAKE UP PEOPLE ! ((

Our Comments & Opinions :

Our Comments & Opinions :
{ The DOJ - FDA - ATF - Taxes and Approves - alcohol, cigarettes & prescription Drugs That definitely kill you } BUT YOU CAN'T SMOKE WEED ! ? ? ? Click on photo to open link